Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Welcome back to Term 2 2017!

Welcome back to Term 2, 2017! We have so many exciting things happening this term.  I will be leaving Room 10 at the end of week 4 to go off and have my baby and Miss Samantha McKeown will be taking over for the rest of the year. Samantha has taught in New Zealand and in the United Kingdom and has already met most of the children and settling in wonderfully.

She will be in the classroom for the next 3 weeks and will be taking the class for the next three Wednesday's while I have a rest day and finish up all assessments and paperwork that is required for a smooth handover.

I will miss Clevedon School and the children in Room 10 very much and will organise a visit in Term 3 once I have settled in at home and up to visiting.

Here is a picture of me at my baby shower on the weekend so you don't all forget me :)

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